Score for the plus sized ladies in this romance! This is the fifth book in this series however, it can stand alone. I totally recommend this hot Alpha read to anyone that hot Alpha Possessive read! To really grasp the whole history these Russian's have with each other, you really need to start with book one and read straight through. If you haven't read this far into the series, I do not recommend you skip books. I don't want to spoil anything about the story, so I'll end with this: if you've read this far into the series, you know what to expect and you know who Sergei is, so you KNOW you'll love it. However, Sergei, being Sergei, rocked right through those walls and the rest panned out wonderfully. For a few pages I was afraid my Sergei wasn't going to pan out to be everything my hoo-hoo and brain conjured him up to be. There was one part, at the restaurant involving one of Sergei's ex's, that I did get a little disappointed in Sergei's response. In between all the "bow-chickawowowow" and the "" these two were perfect for each other. Sergei was always a protector, so when he heard Bianca was having issues, he didn't delay in making sure his girl was taking care of. It was SUPER UBER Sexy HOT YUMMY and DELISH between these two. She doubted it in her head a lot, but Sergei controlled her body and heart.and eventually her mind followed as well. I was afraid with Bianca's history.and the fact she avoided him throughout some of the other books, that she would put up too much of a fight and hurt my poor Sergei. Sergei was totally heart warming.and alpha.and possessive.and totally lick-ably dominant. Let me just clear that up for you: They Don't. Getting to book 5, you'd think these fella's would kind of start warming out their welcome.or get kind of tiring. This book was excellent! It was everything I was expecting and then some. Geez louise, drop kick the bitch already!! I didn't really need to know that Sergei banged two of the waitresses at Nikolai's club at the same time, and for fuck's sake WHY does no one feel the need to fire that stupid bitch of a waitress that is always messing with the heroines of these books? I could have done without all the stupid OW shit.

I never really warmed up to her all that much.

Are you fucking kidding me?!! Bianca on the other hand was an OK heroine. THEN, they go home and he starts telling her how she should really be eating better and being more healthy. I'd climb him like a tree! That being said, the whole incident with the crazy ex where he doesn't bother to defend Bianca, and even gets on her case for being mean to the crazy ex, was an EPIC douche move.

I mean who wouldn't? A seven foot tall monster with a Russian accent. Still, none of these have quite measured up to how much I liked IVAN. For the most part I really enjoy this series.