Turtles are crucial to many ecosystems, Patterson said. “Papychelys looked much like a lizard but had a hard belly plate, which shows us the shell evolved from the bottom up.” “One of the earliest turtle ancestors was discovered in 2015 and named Papychelys, which means ‘grandfather of turtles,’” he added.

Turtles evolved around the same time as dinosaurs, more than 240 million years ago, Patterson said. He detailed some of what the book covers: amazing turtle abilities, how turtles speak, each individual turtle having its own personality, how to help turtles, turtle celebrities and turtle evolution. “Everyone can recognize a turtle and most everyone loves turtles, but turtles are full of surprises,” Patterson said. “This book is about an amazing 42-pound common snapping turtle that regained use of his paralyzed back legs after being hit by a car at the Turtle Rescue League.”